Showing 1–16 of 97 results

19th century English country oak joint stool in 17th/18th century style.



From usage over the past 150 years the finish has naturally worn off, leaving a beautifully faded raw patina.

The rectangular single plank moulded seat having attractive figured oak grain.
Above deep upright gouge carved skirts, with a pretty fine scratch-carved flower over all.

Raised on beautifully carved fine lined Jacobean style barley-twist legs.
Joined by the two remaining long stretchers.

H.50cm W.45cm D.29cm

Copy of a mid 19th century English comb-back ash and elm Windsor armchair.



A customer brought in this exceptional copy of a mid 19th century English comb-back ash and elm Windsor armchair yesterday, such a good late 20th century copy, in every way.

I don’t sell copies, but remembered another customer was wanting an original, I called and showed her this one. SOLD!
Certainly priced accordingly, but two very happy customers.

A rare George III English oak dish-top lamp table.

H.69cm Dia.41.5cm

Hanging above, “Caunga”
Hand painted copper engraving,
by Hendrik Draakestein.

The first complete flora from the East Indies.
Amsterdam 1686

One of six 20th century American oak windsor arm chairs.

The bowed top rail, with fret carved shaped central splat, running through the central bow, flowing into the arms.

The saddle seat, resting on turned out-swept legs, joined by an “H” stretcher.

Having a wonderful overall well worn patina.

As always, the most comfortable chairs to dine on and locating sets isn’t easy.

You could have four around your kitchen dining table and place the other three in many places around your home or apartment.

A rare first half 19th century English Regency mahogany childs chair, with adjustable foot rest.

50% reduction in child’s chairs. Four left in stock.

The perfect gift for a one year old toddler.

C.1830   H.58cm   W.36cm   D.41cm

Usually Grandparents & Godparents buy.

Sold one today for a beautiful antique doll to rest.

A young child treasures such a gift and usually keeps until they have their own children to enjoy…

See Bridget Evans beautiful hand written description

A striking 18th century French oak, country chippendale style armchair

This chair could well be English, made by a French cabinet maker, was purchased in UK many years ago, as English.
To me, there’s too many French characteristics.
The beautifully shaped top rail, with a raised central mould, terminating in out-swept ears. The vase shaped central splat, flanked by tapered uprights.
Having shaped scrolled arms, on shaped turned supports, joined to a two plank seat.
The base on turned, blocked legs, with a well turned central stretcher, having double rectangular side stretchers.
Well patinated wax finish.
The down filled fitted tapestry cushion. This upholstery was heavily used during the 1990s and still fashionable today.
Gary Kay, Antique Decor used this frequently.
RIP my old friend.
Loved Gary, he was an icon of the antique trade.
When he liked you, he would say,
“Hi Best Friend”
Mali Moir ‘Chandelier’
Watercolour on paper 2019
Late Georgian, 19th century English country oak tiltable, rotating birdcage top wine table.
The circular two plank top above a bird-cage rotator, on a well turned support, resting on dramatically out-swept gothic influenced legs.
Also having fantastic patination.
W.50cm (base)
19th century English pewter waisted mug.

Last quarter 18th century English country Chippendale Oak & Elm side chair

The shaped top rail having Chippendale style ears, above a wide plain vase shaped upright centre splat, flanked by two tapered side supports.
The attractive plain moulded figured Elm seat, resting on inner-chamfered square legs, joined by an ‘H’ and rear stretcher.
Fantastic overall colour and deep patination.


A delightful first quarter 18th century George I, English country oak side chair.

One probably remaining from a larger set.

The ogee-shaped top rail above a vase-shaped centre splat, secured by a lower shoe, flanked by two tapered side supports, the newly upholstered seat (C.W.Howell Upholstery)
on moulded seat rails, resting on beautifully shaped cabriole-legs, terminating on a round
pad-foot. Notice the
out-swept rear legs, complimenting the front.


A harlequin set of eight first half 19th Century English country ash and alder ladder back chairs

Stock CPP500

A harlequin set of eight first half 19th Century English country ash and alder ladder back chairs, with graduated shaped ladder backs between circular nipple tipped turned uprights, having rush seats with wooden edge protective strips, with round tops to the front legs turned below, terminating in a pad/bun foot. Front legs joined by heavy turned mirrored stretcher, with double turned stretchers to the sides. Both carvers having shaped outswept arms on turned supports.

Good overall blending of colours due to waxes, polishes and sun fade over the last 160 to 200 years.

1800 – 1850

Four George III country Chippendale oak chairs – AA1610

Four George III country Chippendale oak chairs

The shaped top rail having slight pronounced ears, on angled supports, with a beautiful fret carved central upright splat. The comfortable drop in upholstered seat framed by an unusual thick mitred mould, resting on square tapered legs, joined by an ‘H’ stretcher.