Delightful late 18th Century French Oak Dough Bin/Coffee Table
Recently sold this delightful coffee table.
My customers sent me these photos with their cute dog ‘Waffles’ sharing the space.
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Recently sold this delightful coffee table.
My customers sent me these photos with their cute dog ‘Waffles’ sharing the space.
The oval thumb-moulded drop side top, above a beautifully turned double gate-leg base, having mirrored-turned stretchers.
Closed as side/sofa table
H.75cm W.125cm D.59cm
Opened W.153cm
In first stages of restoration was very dark. Cleaned back ready for re-waxing.
Useful as a Side table,
Sofa table, Breakfast table (with one d-end up) or a dining table.
Also as a centre table opened with a vase of flowers.
I look forward to cleaning this table up and re posting…
The serpentine moulded sliding top, above the canted dough-bin.
The base having a long floral carved secret drawer, with matching carved lower stretcher and shaped side and rear stretchers.
Joined by turned legs, resting on scroll carved cabriole legs.
Fantastic overall faded colours and wonderful patination.
H.97cm W.120cm D.52cm
Showing how easy it is to place many decorative items with such a beautiful piece of C18th French walnut.
H 108cm
W 182cm
D 80cm
The cleated three plank sliding top, above a canted bin, the front panel having a central sun carving, flanked by matching reversed shaped fielded panels.
The base with sunflower carved panel, flanked by rectangular fielded paneled doors.
Resting on short square tapered legs.
Good overall well faded colour.
The well patinated marquetry inlaid top from walnut, figured walnut and fruitwoods, having a central star design. Above three graduated drawers with matching inlay veneers retaining the original oval brass handles, escutcheons and locks. Flanked by quarter moulded corners, with fielded panelled sides. Resting on the original squat bun feet.
Having a good rich overall colour and patina.
H: 78 cm W: 118.5 cm D: 65 cm
The well patinated three plank cleated top above a slight end moulded plain frieze, housing a long drawer to each end, resting on square tapered legs.
C. 1850
‘Perfect as a home desk’
H: 77 cm W: 167 cm D: 80 cm
First half 19th Century French fruit wood dining table/desk The well faded top having a rich patina within the spotted wild grain. Above a shaped frieze, resting on long shaped cabriole legs.
H.77cm W.161cm D.75cm
A C20th glass Perrier-Jouet Champagne bucket to the top.
With three framed 19th Century ‘Wolters Pears’ Published 1880.
The cube shaped parquetry top having moulded cleats with both sides having a long centre drawer flanked by two short drawers, with long single panelled sides, above a flowing shaped carved frieze. Resting on shaped cabriole legs.
Original brass work.
C. 1950
H: 77.5 cm W: 150 cm D: 3’ 3” – 99 cm
The moulded top with canted corners, resting on turned legs, joined by a ‘H’ stretcher on peg feet.
C. 1800
H. 2’ 5” – 74 cm W. 3’ 6” – 105 cm D. 2’ 4” – 71 cm
Louis XVI Style Fauteuil Chair
An unusual set of six 19th Century French, Egyptian Sphinx style chairs.
Possibly walnut and still in need of restoration, e.g., re-gluing, cleaning, polishing and wax finishing.
Note: Can be highlighted with gold to lift appearance.
H 95cm W 67cm D 55cm
Plus restoration
Set of Ten French Walnut Art Nouveau Dining Chairs Comprising six original and four later copies The shaped moulded top rail having carved leaf decoration A centre cane panelled back above a cane seat, resting on square moulded tapered legs, with matching carved decorations above, joined by an ‘H’ stretcher. All having detachable upholstered cushions. CIS500
H. 94cm W. 44cm D. 46cm
The well slanted upholstered backs having a shaped top rail and a comfortable upholstered seat, retaining the original bold studs.
Resting on serpentine legs joined by matching stretchers.
Attractive faded patination overall.
1960 – 1990
$3800 the six
Note: these chairs are consigned and have no GST applied.
Stock CGS909
An unusual late 19th Century Northern European elm well shaped armchair
This is the first of this style I have seen in 33 years, there’s a definite Arts & Crafts feel with a Chippendale style rear splat, quite an unusual mix.
The long single plank bentwood arms flowing through to become legs with matching shaped stretchers all flow very well, then there’s that English influenced Splat flanked by two reeded uprights.
The thick single plank slight saddle seat seems to be holding all these unusual shapes together.
Anyway an interesting chair and quite a talking point this will be.
Good overall colour and patination.
A rare pair of early 19th Century French fruitwood stools. The upholstered seats on well patinated fine baluster turned legs, joined by an ‘H’ stretcher.
C. 1810
H. 1’ 8” – 51 cm W. 1’ 2” – 35 cm