“Ocimum” – No. 235 Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. Second edition engravings with expert hand colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition.
“Horminium” Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. First edition engravings with expert hand colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition.
Folium Prints by Basil Besler from Hortus Eystettensis. Third edition engravings with expert hand colouring Some with typical text showing through and minor spots.
Amaranthus Tricolor” Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. First edition, Elcstatt’s folio 1613, and third edtion 1713. Engravings with expert hand, colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition.
” Matricaria” Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. Engravings with expert hand, colouring.Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition. First Edition. 1613
Prints from the first edition of Hortus Estettensis by Basil Besler<. Basil Besler (1561-1629) was a Nuremberg apothecary who had as his patron the Prince Bishop of Eicstatt (near Nuremberg). While in charge of the bishop’s elaborate gardens, Besler, with the financial support of his patron, undertook his great project of botanical illustration, “Hortus Eystettensis” (Garden of Eicstatt). Off and on for sixteen years he created drawings which, with the help of six skilled engravers, were turned into two large folio volumes of 374 plates, illustrating more than one thousand flowers. The prints were arranged by seasons, with the plants shown whole and life size. The first edition of Hortus Eysttensis was published in 1613. Besler’s monumental florilegium invites the use of superlatives when describing it. It was the most comprehensive as well as the largest early work of its kind. It is also one of the most delightfully drawn and visually impressive every made. Each plate is wonderfully designed with the rhythmic pattern of the roots and stems, as well as the calligraphic invention of the lettering fully developed. These are truly joyous prints from one of the most outstanding works of botanical illustration of all time. Copper engravings with expert hand colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots.
Very good condition. First edition 1613
“Consolida” red/yellow. Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. Third edition engravings with expert hand colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition.
“Horminum” Prints by Basil Besler, from Hortus Eystettensis. Engravings with expert hand colouring. Some with typical text showing through and minor spots. Very good condition.