Showing 49–64 of 119 results

First half 19th century French provincial walnut & fruitwood vigneron, wine tasting table on trestle base.

Been some years since I’ve stocked one of these, this one in particular being the largest I have seen.
The large perfectly faded and patinated circular five plank folding top, on two rectangular upright supports, having an attractive lyre-shaped twisting central support, retaining the original steel guide attached below the top. Resting on bold long sledge-feet.
C.1840   H.73cm   Dia.118cm

Early 19th century French fruitwood & oak dough bin/petrin.

The well patinated three plank cleated top, above a canted bin with deep wedge corner joints, joined to an oak planked floor.
The base with a plain frieze, resting on attractive out swept shaped legs.
Fantastic overall colour and patination.
H.77cm  W.167cm  D.66cm

19th century French marble top occasional, corner, lamp table.

The circular, moulded top, resting on a deep blue, gold decorated shell carved painted base.
On a long slight cabriole legend angled pad-foot.

C.1890   H.72cm  Dia.72cm

Perfect piece to place between armchairs or sofas, with a lamp and framed photo of me!


An unusual 19th Century French Fruitwood, Burr Elm and Oak Dough bin.

An unusual 19th Century French Fruitwood, Burr Elm and Oak Dough bin

The Fruitwood two plank sliding top, above a Burr Elm panelled base, above a well carved darkened Oak base.

Having solid Burr Elm panels. Resting on a long slight cabriole leg.

C. 1850

H. 75cm W. 121cm D. 58cm

RESTORATION – Not for sale

Restoration of an unusual 19th century French Amboyna Burl cylinder-top writing desk

Before and after photos.
We had great pleasure in restoring this piece.
Eddies perfect kingwood cross-banding, amboyna veneer and satinwood stringing inlay patching.
My colouring and french polishing, Jack cut back and waxing.

Very happy customers!

RESTORATION – Not for sale

20th century oak sideboard

Fresh out of restoration from an unattractive chocolate colour with tiny steel handles to this.

We rarely strip, but in this case nothing to save, so hand strip, no sanding, mix a bitumen based stain, re polish, cut back and built a wax finish.

RESTORATION – Not for sale

A recent private restoration job.

Beautiful last quarter 19th century French oak rotating desk chairThe last photo shows before restoration.

Several patches and re carving, re gluing, removed the later varnished dark surface to reveal a very red raw oak.

Refused to sand or bleach, made up a green base stain that removed much of the red, a very old trick.
Re french polished, coloured in repairs, cut back and wax finished.
Craig Howell, upholsterer, removed the original pressed leather seat and reupholstered the chair to finish this wonderful job.

Eddie, cabinet maker, completed the repairs and carving. Also the ball bearings lubricated and running well.

19th century French Oak miniature coffer

The rectangular central panelled hinged moulded top
Above a matching panelled front
Having the original lock and key
Resting on a miniature bracket style foot

This piece was in our front living room the last twenty years, housing remotes, many wine glasses and coffee cups rested on the top.

After selling our family house, I simply can’t hold on to everything, so selling many pieces from my private collection.


Beautiful Yew wood pieces, sold over the years.

Thought I’d create a few posts on beautiful yew wood pieces I’ve sold over the past few decade’s.

Those who know me, know of my memory problem, due to an accident 28 years ago.
I have a short term memory.

Kimpton Interiors Twin Bedroom Design featuring our side table

This twin bedroom design was inspired by a wilful little girl and her excitable younger sister.

A pleasant mid 19th century French fruitwood and oak side table.

The well patinated three plank moulded pear wood top, above an oak base.
The long single drawer retaining the original steel drop handle, resting on fine turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher, with a turned fruitwood central finial.

Fantastic overall deep colour and patination.

