The well patinated marquetry inlaid top from walnut, figured walnut and fruitwoods, having a central star design. Above three graduated drawers with matching inlay veneers retaining the original oval brass handles, escutcheons and locks. Flanked by quarter moulded corners, with fielded panelled sides. Resting on the original squat bun feet.
A Rare and Unusual Retro Book-Matched Figured Walnut Central Joined Adjustable Nest of Tables on turned tapered legs. The circular tops having the original coloured formica edging.
Dealing in antiques for the past 30 years and being in the trade now for 40 years, I have started to add a few contemporary pieces we create for Australian Interior Designers, Architects and Private Customers. Sometimes a customer needs something that has never been made before. The majority of my stock has always been quite unique, so why not provide a modern option of the same quality.
Take a look at mine and Andrews modern creations and consider a unique contemporary piece to mix with your beautiful antiques.
This collection immediately captures your attention with their unquestionable class, elegance, style and clean lines.
An unusual French `walnut side/bedside table – AA2126
The well used oval top, above a central turned leg, flanked by two small drawers, with turned handles. The matching rear legs, attached by an unusual ’T’ shaped rectangular stretcher.
The tick two plank top having several knots and a matched sap wood join between planks above a plain fieze with a single moulded drawer to the front retaining the original lock and escutcheon. Resting on square tapered legs.
First half 19th Century French oak dough bin. The rectangular hinged top above a deep plain frieze housing barrel shaped storage, resting on bold square tapered legs.
Late 18th Century French walnut and fruitwood jardinier.
The five plank canted bin having a center vase carving with wheat and grape vines protruding with a carved beaded edge.
Resting on a decorative base with profuse floral carving to the top frieze raised by turned graduated supports on leaf carved cabriole legs joined by shaped carved stretchers with a floral leaf and ribbon carved decoration having an arrow pierced hung heart to the center.
Note: Having a fitted steel box to hold flowers or to fill with ice and display your champagnes, wines or softdrinks.
19th Century Continental display dresser/sideboard
The moulded cornice above two framed doors, the central fixed. The base having a domed hinged fall-front, opening to reveal a narrow storage compartment, above two rectangular drawers, then two paneled doors, all having steel ringed handles. Resting on plain bracket feet. The well worn blue rustic painted finish has been applied for many years and should be retained.
Last quarter 19th Century French serpentine rosewood sideboard.
The original shaped black marble top above three moulded drawers then four shaped carved panelled doors, having a shaped apron, the dividing corners having leaf and floral carved corners having leaf and floral carved corbel terminating to a short shaped carved cabriole leg.
The overall fading to the book-matched rosewood veneers has produced an exceptional tone.
Note: the interior is veneered with polished figured mahogany and has shaped shelving to match and a lined wine drawer. The carcass is in four sections all bolt firmly together for clever transporting and reconstruction.
H: 3’ 4” – 102 cm W: 6’ 11” – 211 cm D: 2’ – 61 cm