19th Century Continental display dresser/sideboard
The moulded cornice above two framed doors, the central fixed. The base having a domed hinged fall-front, opening to reveal a narrow storage compartment, above two rectangular drawers, then two paneled doors, all having steel ringed handles. Resting on plain bracket feet. The well worn blue rustic painted finish has been applied for many years and should be retained.
Stunning late 19th Century French book-matched figured walnut and beautifully inlaid commode. Having the most beautiful original moulded marble top, above the slight bombe shaped drawer front. Having beautifully book-matched rich figured walnut veneers with flowing satinwood floral shaped inlays overall.
Note: matching sides.
The shaped lower frieze flowing into the high splayed legs, having narrow kingwood cross, banded to all outer edges. Having all of the original ormolu brass-work.
The hinged tapered top opening to reveal open storage space above a deep framed rectangular mould, housing three geometric shaped panels. The central a bold X, flanked by two bold horizontal diamonds. Good overall colour and patination.
First half 19th Century French Pear & Elm Farmhouse table The well patinated Pear wood top above a palin Elm skirt, resting on square Elm tapered legs.
Selling on consignment for private customers – NO GST
19th Century French Elm Farmhouse Table on Reeded Turned Tapered Legs
The beautifully grained three plank figured Elm top, above a plain scratch-moulded frieze, having a single central scratch-moulded drawer, resting on reeded turned tapered legs.
An unusual French `walnut side/bedside table – AA2126
The well used oval top, above a central turned leg, flanked by two small drawers, with turned handles. The matching rear legs, attached by an unusual ’T’ shaped rectangular stretcher.
19th Century French Walnut Barley twist Side Table The large single plank quarter sawn walnut top having a zebra grained effect, above a plain frieze, resting on an unusual labyrinth of barley twist legs and angled stretchers.
William and Mary influence in the styling of the base. Early 18th Century style revived in the second half of the 19th Century.
Just arrived from France today. Still in need of a good clean up and re-wax finishing.
An unusual first half 19th Century French Walnut side table of plain small proportions
The rectangular three plank moulded top above narrow skirts having long rectangular fielded panels, with a matching moulded drawer to one short end, retaining the original turned handle.
Note, the drawer is unusually long, running the entire length of the top.
An attractive early 19th Century French walnut and fruitwood wine table. The book matched 2 plank top on a gun-barrel turned support on high slanted cabriole legs.
Note: Recently arrived from France, still needs leveling, gluing, waxing etc.
Early 19th Century French oak well carved centre table.
Having a moulded three plank top, above a shaped floral and leaf carved frieze, the carvings flowing in to the long cabriole legs with decorative leaf carvings terminating in scrolled feet.