The beautifully patinated, deep five plank top, with original bread-slide, above a narrow slight moulded skirt, resting on square tapered legs.
1800 – 1820
H.75cm W.2m D.90cm
Sold this table from my storeroom, was planning on taking to my apartment, but business is business!
So like much of my stock, didn’t make my showroom.
The set of six American oak windsor armchairs also sold, they suit so well and are very comfortable. I used one as my desk chair.
A late 19th Century French flame mahogany card table.
The single flame moulded top, unfolding to a card playing table, having a decorative book-matched veneered frieze, on a well turned support column, resting on three outswept legs, with acanthus leaf carvings to the knees.
Note: Not my usual stock, you’ll notice the photograph. You’ll then notice this card table surrounded by entire family, from around 1900.
Fantastic to hang above to create a perfect conversation piece.
Being terribly overstocked, (but not complaining) I’ve taken this walnut entrance table to my apartment to create more shop space and over decorate my entrance!
My usual entrance pieces are also quite out of my usual style, but having a retro 1970 built apartment, I wanted something different from the interior at the door.
Not my usual style or periods, but had to have these unique pieces✨✨
The large single plank quarter sawn walnut top having a zebra grained effect, above a plain frieze, resting on an unusual labyrinth of barley twist legs and angled stretchers.
William and Mary influence in the styling of the base. Early 18th Century style revived in the second half of the 19th Century.
The well patinated thick single plank top, above a deep geometric drawer, having a divided interior, with carved star motifs and bold steel key.
Resting on well turned legs, joined by square stretchers, on matching bun feet.
Note, the top without visible shrinkage, as one plank. Thickness of top 3.5cm
The three plank cleated top (later hinged – originally sliding)
Above canted bin, with original leaf and moulded carving.
Resting on a shaped, moulded skirt with a carved central star, joined to front cabriole legs.
Still to be re-glued, and re wax finished.
Or left un waxed, as beautifully oxidised over the centuries.
17th century English oak refectory tables.
18th-19th century French farmhouse tables.
18th century English gateleg and pembroke tables.
Mid century French fibreglass sealed autumn toned centre/dining table.
Used as dining tables, desks, serving tables, entrance and centre tables.
Several more in store awaiting a good clean and wax.