Showing 17–32 of 36 results

First half 19th century French provincial walnut & fruitwood vigneron, wine tasting table on trestle base.

Been some years since I’ve stocked one of these, this one in particular being the largest I have seen.
The large perfectly faded and patinated circular five plank folding top, on two rectangular upright supports, having an attractive lyre-shaped twisting central support, retaining the original steel guide attached below the top. Resting on bold long sledge-feet.
C.1840   H.73cm   Dia.118cm

19th century French marble top occasional, corner, lamp table.

The circular, moulded top, resting on a deep blue, gold decorated shell carved painted base.
On a long slight cabriole legend angled pad-foot.

C.1890   H.72cm  Dia.72cm

Perfect piece to place between armchairs or sofas, with a lamp and framed photo of me!


An unusual 19th Century French Fruitwood, Burr Elm and Oak Dough bin.

An unusual 19th Century French Fruitwood, Burr Elm and Oak Dough bin

The Fruitwood two plank sliding top, above a Burr Elm panelled base, above a well carved darkened Oak base.

Having solid Burr Elm panels. Resting on a long slight cabriole leg.

C. 1850

H. 75cm W. 121cm D. 58cm

19th century French Oak miniature coffer

The rectangular central panelled hinged moulded top
Above a matching panelled front
Having the original lock and key
Resting on a miniature bracket style foot

This piece was in our front living room the last twenty years, housing remotes, many wine glasses and coffee cups rested on the top.

After selling our family house, I simply can’t hold on to everything, so selling many pieces from my private collection.


Kimpton Interiors Twin Bedroom Design featuring our side table

This twin bedroom design was inspired by a wilful little girl and her excitable younger sister.

A pleasant mid 19th century French fruitwood and oak side table.

The well patinated three plank moulded pear wood top, above an oak base.
The long single drawer retaining the original steel drop handle, resting on fine turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher, with a turned fruitwood central finial.

Fantastic overall deep colour and patination.



19th Century French Provincial Oak Side Table

19th Century French Provincial Oak Side Table.

Three plank moulded top above a large moulded narrow drawer with a brass turned handle

Resting on bold turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher

Having a central turned finial

Good overall colour and patination


H.69cm W.75cm D.59cm

Late 18th Century French fruitwood table AA1934

Late 18th Century French fruitwood (cherry) centre/serving/sofa/hall/entrance table. AA1934

Of good deep proportions and fantastic overall faded colour and patination. The rectangular cleated top above a shaped frieze, housing three drawers, all the original turned handles and knotted elm drawer linings, resting on long slight shaped cabriole legs.


H.75cm W.185cm D.75cm

A pleasant mid 19th century French fruitwood and oak side table.

The well patinated three plank moulded pear wood top, above an oak base.
The long single drawer retaining the original steel drop handle, resting on fine turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher, with a turned fruitwood central finial.

Fantastic overall deep colour and patination.



May be selling soon – in my apartment – AA1255

Stock AA1255

19th Century French oak desk of small proportions

The tick two plank top having several knots and a matched sap wood join between planks above a plain fieze with a single moulded drawer to the front retaining the original lock and escutcheon. Resting on square tapered legs.

1870 – 1900

H: 2′ 5″ –

W: 3′ 3″ – 100 cm

D: 2′ 3″ – 66 cm


An unusual French Walnut side/bedside Table

An unusual French `walnut side/bedside table – AA2126

The well used oval top, above a central turned leg, flanked by two small drawers, with turned handles. The matching rear legs, attached by an unusual ’T’ shaped rectangular stretcher.

H.62cm W.91cm D.50cm

Still to be re-glued, cleaned and re-waxed

19th Century French Walnut Barley Twist Side Table


19th Century French Walnut Barley twist Side Table The large single plank quarter sawn walnut top having a zebra grained effect, above a plain frieze, resting on an unusual labyrinth of barley twist legs and angled stretchers.

William and Mary influence in the styling of the base. Early 18th Century style revived in the second half of the 19th Century.

Just arrived from France today. Still in need of a good clean up and re-wax finishing.


H.79cm W.110cm D.64.5cm


An Unusual First Half 19th Century French Walnut Side Table of Plain Small Proportions


An unusual first half 19th Century French Walnut side table of plain small proportions

The rectangular three plank moulded top above narrow skirts having long rectangular fielded panels, with a matching moulded drawer to one short end, retaining the original turned handle.

Note, the drawer is unusually long, running the entire length of the top.

Resting on square slight shaped tapered legs. Fantastic overall rich patina.
