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Photos inside my apartment taken by Russell Winnell February 2023 part two.

I’d written a story re moving onto an apartment, and how I advise people several times per week on doing so, but when was my turn, was so painful!

By the time the magazine was ready, I’d already changed three vital parts of my displays, so gave them an old story to print!

Still changing occasionally, but I’ll have Russell over soon to re take those few spots, so I can finally share with a magazine.

These are the upright shots, I’ll post the horizontal ones next..

BTW, when I close shop soon, my trading name will mainly be @allpress_creations as my writing and other business ideas and my services will be changing.

Photos inside my apartment taken by Russell Winnell February 2023.

I’d written a story re moving onto an apartment, and how I advise people several times per week on doing so, but when was my turn, was so painful!

By the time the magazine was ready, I’d already changed three vital parts of my displays, so gave them an old story to print!

Still changing occasionally, but I’ll have Russell over soon to re take those few spots, so I can finally share with a magazine.

These are the upright shots, I’ll post the horizontal ones next..

BTW, when I close shop soon, my trading name will mainly be @allpress_creations as my writing and other business ideas and my services will be changing.

Forever changing the surroundings in my apartment.

Forever changing the surroundings in my apartment. The latest change, replacing the Italian Murano glass retro penguins, for the 19th century Chinese Bronze Foo Dog Lion Figures.
Interestingly, everyone I’ve asked prefers the Murano Penguins.

The final photo is from Russell Winnell, when he photographed my apartment a couple of years ago. I wrote a story for a magazine to accompany the photos, however I’ve made so many bold changes, I can’t give those photos to print, so must get Russell back!


My LinkedIn & Linktree accounts



I’ve changed the wording on my LinkedIn profile, indicating I would like to use some of my profession as an advisor within Australia and around the world.

I’ll attach my introduction below. I’ve decided once I close shop in April, I’ll prepare to move to Sydney.


All Armoire and Buffet Deux Corps are reduced by 50%

Clearing space for final months of trade.

Late 18th Century French Chestnut Armoire
H.223cm W.126cm D.64cm

Rare 18th Century French Solid Yew Wood Armoire
H.230cm W.135cm D.60cm

Late 18th Century French Oak Armoire
H.241cm W.160cm D.70cm

First half 18th Century provincial walnut dresser/buffet & rack
H.232cm W.126cm D.64cm

18th Century French faded Buffet Deux Corps
H.238cm W.136cm D.50cm

18th Century French Oak Buffet Deux Corps
H.230cm W.120cm D.50cm

Searching for the Allpress Experience

Part of my closing SALE 50% off everything until April 2025!

First half 20th century French Maria Theresa Eight Branch Crystal Chandelier.

Having brass body and crystal mounts and drops.

H.80cm  Dia.100cm  Height with and cup 130cm

This chandelier is so beautifully made, the ceiling also has a great view.

Look at the first and last photo, incredible detail never seen.

Restored and rewired to Australian standards.

Photos by Russell Winnell Photography.


Closing Sale 50% off everything.

After 35 years of business, Ive made the decision to close end of April 2025.

I have hundreds of pieces to clear. Over 100 pieces of art, rare 17th to 20th century pieces of furniture.

Ceramics, glassware including contemporary, mirrors etc..

All stock reduced by 50% Many perfect special gifts for Christmas.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

List of people that inspired or helped me over the past 46 years.

Full story on Facebook with many thanked.

I wish I could make some of these names stand out in gold, but they know exactly who they are.

Several have sadly passed on and a few aren’t even friends anymore, however that doesn’t change my huge appreciation for their generous kindness once given…


Various displays from the last 35 years

The past few days I’ve gathered photos of displays I’ve created over the past 35 years of business.
From shop and window displays, My home and now apartment, The Johnston Collection 2010, antique fairs around Australia, customers homes, the lane way behind my workshop, the neighbours garage door, a nice fence in the side st, anywhere I think would suit, I tend to do it!
Cheeky? Thats for sure!

So I thought I’d share a few, will take several posts to show all. I’m still locating photos and stories screenshooting and emailing myself stories.

I hope you’ll enjoy parts of my decorative history.

Professional photos by Russell Winnell Photography

The rest by myself.

Showing part of my wall displays.

Photos taken within three meters of wall space in my showroom today.

18th century English George III country oak low standing chest of drawers.
My personal small collection of Drip Glazed, Australian Deco Regal Mashman pottery. Always loved them.