Elizabeth Blackwell. A Curious Herbal. 1737 – 1739.

Such a fascinating, gifted woman from the early 18th century. Certainly one of my top five botanical engravers in history.
I’ve sold many of her pages over the past four decades.
Having recently purchased several copies of a re print of “A Curious Herbal” I decided to give a copy with each sale of an original Blackwell until all copies are gone.

Look under “Works of Art” – “Botanicals” or scroll through my instagram page to see my latest unframed Blackwell arrivals



Elizabeth Blackwell (nee Blachrie) was among the first women to achieve fame as a botanical illustrator.

She was born in Aberdeen in about 1700, but moved to London after she married.

She undertook an ambitious project to raise money to pay her husband’s debts and release him from debtors’ prison. Her project was a book called ‘A Curious Herbal’.

She learned that physicians required a reference book which documented the medicinal qualities of plants and herbs. In order to develop the publication she examined and drew specimens of plants available in the Chelsea Physic Garden. Sir Hans Sloane provided financial support to publish ‘A Curious Herbal’.

Elizabeth Blackwell is notable for being one of the first botanical artists to personally etch and engrave her own designs. This saved the expense of hiring a professional engraver. In total, the enterprise took Blackwell six full years to complete and in the end she was able to release her husband from prison.

‘A Curious Herbal’ was published between 1737 and 1739. The book contained the first illustrations of many odd-looking, unknown plants from the New World.