Showing 145–160 of 170 results

Early 19th Century English elm curved high settle – AA0797

Stock AA0797

Early 19th Century English elm curved high settle.

This high curved settle was often situated at large fire places still common in the 19th Century. Their warmth seeking occupants were given protection from draughts, particularly when provided with winged slab ends and a small cornice, surrounding the matched boarded back. Having good colour and patination.

1820 – 1850

H. 5’ 7” – 169 cm

W. 4’ 11” – 158 cm

D. 1’ 1” – 32 cm

A 17th Century English oak joint stool – UK1129

A 17th Century English oak joint stool. The rectangular thumb moulded single plank seat above a lower moulded apron, supported by four turned legs joined by stretchers with slight lower inward moulding. This stool having good overall colour and patina with much age and wear.

C. 1670

H: 51 cm W: 42.5 cm D: 29 cm

Mid 19th Century English Lancashire ash, elm and fruitwood winged rocking chair – AA1642

Mid 19th Century English Lancashire ash, elm and fruitwood winged rocking chair. The horizontal elm top rail above four vertical ash rectangular splats then a horizontal fruitwood rail above four turned ash finials fitted to the elm lower support rail. Flanked by ash turned wings attached to the uprights, below are slight shaped ash arms on ash turned supports, with a rush seat having a bold turned front stretcher and narrow turned side and rear stretchers, resting on shaped rockers. Good overall colour and patination.


1820 – 1860

19th Century English ash and beech single row spindle back armchair rocker – AA215a

19th Century English ash and beech single row spindle back armchair rocker. The four decoratively turned spindles supported between a plain stay rail and one of two round cross rails. Joined to the round back uprights connected to the curved shaped arms, supported by turned supports, having a rush seat with edge protective strips above turned legs joined by a well turned front stretcher and double side stretchers, on rockers. Attributed to the Westmorland Dales area of the North West.

1800 – 1870

Dales or single row spindle back rocking armchair – AA1215

Dales or single row spindle back ash rocking armchair. Attributed to the North West. Round front legs tapering towards feet to mortice into rockers, joined by turned stretcher, shaped front and double turned side stretchers, below a rush seat. The round back uprights with single row of four decoratively turned spindles, supported between two round curved cross rails with additional cross rail below, curved shaped arms which mortice into the back upright with turned terminal tenons, plain turned underarm supports. Good overall colour and patination.

1800 -1870

Ref – The English Regional Chair, Bernard D. Cotton, Page 335, Figure NW54

H: 90 cm W: 50 cm D: 69 cm

Early 19th Century English winged armchair on rockers – AAP500

Early 19th Century English winged armchair on rockers. A nursing armchair designed for a mother tending her child. The turned wings attached to the uprights were to support cushions and to keep a tired feeding mother upright. The lower arms were also there to allow required elbow room.


C. 1830

H: 115 cm W: 55 cm D: 65.5 cm

George III English Faded Cuban Mahogany Wine Table

George III English Faded Cuban Mahogany Wine Table

The circular single plank tilt-top having beautiful overall aged and faded patina (Resembling walnut) Resting on a well turned column support, joined to three out-swept cabriole legs, terminating on a pointed pad foot. Stunning!


H.73cm Dia.80cm

Late 18th Century English Country Oak Circular Top Wine Table

Late 18th Century English Country Oak Circular Top Wine Table

The circular two plank top above a well turned centre support, joined to three out-swept shaped cabriole legs, having a raised central spine.

Note, the unusual timbers used on the turned support and legs is quarter-sawn oak. This gives the fiddle-back grain.

Good overall faded colour and patination.


H.72cm Dia.73cm

Late 18th Century English Country Oak Wine Table UK1899

Late 18th Century English Country Oak Wine Table

The plain ‘well faded’ four plank tilt top above a bold turned column, resting on elegant outswept cabriole legs.

Recently arrived from England and still to be cleaned, glued and waxed.

Circa 1790

H. 69cm Dia. 79cm