Showing 17–32 of 170 results

Rare pair of 18th century green leather upholstered English side chairs.

I purchased this rare pair of 18th century English Georgian side chairs from another dealer recently.
Such a beautiful style that will never date.
Very well leather upholstered many years ago, single piped and studded, see below, hand tacked (no staples) shows exceptional tradesman.


H.96cm W.44cm D.60cm


18th Century English Country oak Wine Table.

The well patinated, circular tilt top, on a turned central column,
resting on three out-swept cabriole legs.

This is a great example of how to maintain period furniture, without over restoration.

Most important to me is the originality of anything I sell.

All this table requires is a slight re glue and re wax finishing.


H 70cm
Dia 76cm


Thought I’d share a few of my dining tables. I sell many styles.

17th century English oak refectory tables.
18th-19th century French farmhouse tables.
18th century English gateleg and pembroke tables.
Mid century French fibreglass sealed autumn toned centre/dining table.

Used as dining tables, desks, serving tables, entrance and centre tables.

Several more in store awaiting a good clean and wax.

I sold this untouched 18th century English oak wine table recently.

My customer wanted a fresh wax finish, as hadn’t been waxed in decades.
Lifted the finish beautifully..
Description below,
18th Century English Country Oak Wine Table of Larger Proportions
The well patinated, circular tilt top, on a tapered, turned central column
Resting on three out-swept cabriole legs
This table has never been restored, I will not restore this table until sold, and will only be waxed.
H 73cm
Dia 79cm

A rare George III Cuban mahogany folding tea table.

The exquisite grained single plank rectangular moulded top, lifting to become a two plank square tea/card table top.
The unusual centred hinged rear legs opening to join with the sides.
The beautifully moulded front legs give a sense of style to a very classic straight lined table.
The narrow cock beaded drawer to the plain skirt, retaining the original brass swan-neck handle.
Opened 84x86cm

Second half 17th century English oak panelled coffer.

The well patinated two plank moulded top, retaining the original knuckle-hinges, above a central moulded top rail, joined to matching uprights, with reversed dividing uprights to the sides, housing plain double panels, with three to the front.
The interior having the original candle box and two plank floor (rare)
Having one obvious patch to rear left of top, probably done around 100 years ago (I’m able to blend faded patch colour if customer desires)

Perfect blanket/storage box.


18th century English oak lowboy.

The well patinated fine moulded two plank top, above an ogee shaped skirt, housing one long central scratch-carved moulded drawer, flanked by two deeper matching drawers, having later attractive brass handles.
Resting on square chamfered legs.
Great overall colour and patination.

Last quarter 17th century English oak side table.

Another nice piece I sold about 25 years ago and recently purchased back
The well patinated greenish black four plank moulded top, above a plain narrow skirt, resting on stylish turned legs, joined by upright rectangular stretchers, terminating on well worn bun feet.
Still awaiting a nice re waxing.

18th century English oak lowboy.

Another piece purchased last week that still requires a clean up and re wax finishing.
I’ll carefully remove much of the later polish, bring back to a lighter oak, then re wax finish.
Later brass work, I’ll probably replace with period style swan-neck handles.
19th century English Masons style Imari design ironstone plate.

Pair of 18th century English country Chippendale oak side chairs.

The beautifully shaped top rail, with a raised central mould, terminating in out-swept ears. The vase shaped central splat, flanked by tapered uprights joined to a single plank seat.
With later cushion.
The base with square inner chamfered legs, joined by rectangular stretchers.


Still in need of re waxing.