Showing 129–144 of 282 results

Kimpton Interiors Twin Bedroom Design featuring our side table

This twin bedroom design was inspired by a wilful little girl and her excitable younger sister.

A pleasant mid 19th century French fruitwood and oak side table.

The well patinated three plank moulded pear wood top, above an oak base.
The long single drawer retaining the original steel drop handle, resting on fine turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher, with a turned fruitwood central finial.

Fantastic overall deep colour and patination.



19th century French brass and crystal 12 branch chandelier.

Just arrived in showroom after restoration and re wiring.

This chandelier is one of the most stylish I’ve ever stocked. Every detail, perfect.

Beautifully shaped, moulded and scrolled brass details.

H.140cm inc chain

Note, the chain can be extended or reduced to any height.
Fantastic photography by Russell Winnell.

Farmhouse tables. New shipment recently arrived from Europe.

Even though I’m retiring soonish, new stocks still arriving. Everything is discounted even if new arrivals…
Part of new shipment arrived from Europe.
Farmhouse tables
One solid pollard oak top
(Can’t wait to restore it)
One with the original matching trestles and bread slide.
Great patination.
One 2m or each drawer leaf 1m each.
So 2-3 or 4 metre cherry farmhouse table.
A couple of fantastic dough bin/coffee tables
English oak dresser
A few decorative Italian Murano glass pieces…

Keep an eye on my website or Insta…

19th Century French Provincial Oak Side Table

19th Century French Provincial Oak Side Table.

Three plank moulded top above a large moulded narrow drawer with a brass turned handle

Resting on bold turned legs, joined by a matching turned ‘H’ stretcher

Having a central turned finial

Good overall colour and patination


H.69cm W.75cm D.59cm

An early 19th Century English Oak Trestle

An early 19th Century English Oak Trestle having a thick warped single plank seat

resting on rectangular corner – chambered legs, joined by a pegged ‘H’ stretcher.





Easy Dining Room Upgrade – Remarkable Improvement!

Shaun Rodwell helped me deliver this farmhouse table yesterday afternoon. Looked fantastic!

Last photo was the one we replaced. Huge improvement and very happy customer…

You’ll also notice a delightful Norfolk Chest, I sold to her a few years ago.

Still shining proud in the living room. (AA1818)

The well patinated three plank cleated top above a slight end moulded plain frieze,

housing a long drawer to each end, resting on square tapered legs.‘Perfect as a home desk’

This table’s been my shop desk for some time…

1686 – 1986

Notice how even a retro made semi Chippendale style dining chair can match so well with a striking piece of art 300 years older.

Contemporary framing can completely change the look of a copper engraving, painting, lithograph, even old photos. It’s not hard.

These chairs were unattractive, dark and had shocking patterned upholstery.

Once again, it’s not too hard to improve a chair.

I have these in a window display this week.

Quite eye catching, along with the descriptions of both.

As always it’s important to create interesting window displays

An attractive Set of Six 20th Century Australian Ash Chippendale Style Dining Chairs, now white.

The shaped top rail, above a fret carved tapered centre splat, flanked by shaped tapered uprights.
The freshly upholstered soft mint chenille seats blending beautifully.
Resting on a square leg, joined by stretchers.
This set of chairs were very tired, so we cleaned back the surface and refinished them in a soft white.
Would never dream of doing this to a period chair, however this method of restoration has vastly improved these.
These chairs would look fantastic with a period french fruitwood farmhouse table.
The last set I sold through a decorator in 2009.
These chairs also featured in a home I dressed in Elwood 2009.
To see the story of the Elwood home, search ‘Elwood’ on this website.
Above is a one off set of 19th Regency period watercolours of Indian birds, in Kamataka, Southwest India.

Dated 1828

Also, my favourite 17th Century botanical engraver, Hendrick Draakestein 1686.

RESTORATION – Not for sale.

We just finished restoring this fantastic set of 19th century English Country Regency dining chairs.

A customer purchased them not realising that many users ago, someone had drilled holes through every leg and seat rail, tying a coat hanger style metal brace.
Once removed, not easily, they were a complete mess!
Eddie took each chair apart and rebuilt them. We cleaned back, filled the holes, disguised the repairs and refinished them.
Cut back and waxed today and ready to deliver.
I thought I’d share the process with you.

Note: still to be reupholstered.

Two unusual 18th century English fruitwood (cherry) pieces, with a strong French influence.

Late 18th Century English cherrywood and laburnum chest on chest.

Standing to the front an equally rare 18th century English cherry wood country Chippendale arm chair with a freshly
Colefax check upholstered drop in seat.

I’ve always enjoyed dealing in the more unusual, rare one off pieces…

To the chest top, three decorative 19th century English ‘Masons’ jugs and rare large mug.

Jeff Martin – 23 Times
Oil on board 2006

All pieces with full descriptions on my website.
English – Chairs – singles
English – Chests
Works of art – Contemporary or search
Jeff Martin…

18th century French figured walnut petrin/coffee table.

18th century French figured walnut petrin/coffee table.

Originally a petrin/dough bin on stand. Later converted into a beautiful decorative coffee table.

The well patinated serpentine shaped, hinged top, above cantered sides, resting on bun feet.

Perfect for housing wine and looking fantastic!

