An unusually high, first half 18th Century French walnut, fruitwood and chestnut serving/centre/side table. The thick single plank chestnut top above a walnut and fruitwood base, of a deep frieze, with two large cherrywood drawers and an applied moulding, resting on turned tapered walnut legs, joined by a plain side stretcher. Good overall faded colour and patination.
The well patinated rectangular top above a frieze drawer, raised on turned legs, the front of which become out-swept, all joined to stretchers. (restorations)
A beautiful George II English oak lowboy. The rectangular top with moulded corners above one shallow and two deep drawers, within an arched apron, having shaped sides, raised on long cabriole legs descending to pad feet. Wonderful patination. C. 1750
H. 2’ 7” – 78 cm W. 2’ 9” – 82 cm D. 1’ 7” – 48 cm
The three plank moulded top above a long frieze drawer having the original escutcheon and later but apropriate brass drop handles. Resting on turned legs joined by matching stretchers. Great overall colour and patination.
The well faded two plank moulded top above a pair of cock-beaded drawers having well matched later period brass fret shaped brass-work, over an ogee shaped apron, raised on internal chamfered rectangular section legs. Good overall colour and patination.
The bookmatched moulded top having boxwood stringing, herringbone inlay and walnut cross banding. Above a slight shaped apron containing a long single herringbone cross banded drawer with later brass work. Resting on an unusual cabriole leg with beautiful shell carving to the knees.
The well faded rectangular top having an ebony string banded edge, above three stepped drawers with original oval brass handles housed in a kneehole shaped ebony strung apron and restring or square tapered legs. Good overall natural taded patina.
19th Century English George III style side table of large proportions.
The well patinated three plank top above a plain apron, housing a long cross banded cock beaded drawer with the original brass swan neck handles standin on high square tapered legs.
The hinged sloped top having a lower book stop lifting to reveal shaped storage, the plain frieze having a lock and key, above a bold turned centre support and a small higher shelf, joined to a platform base, resting on bun feet. Good overall faded colour.
An exceptional 18th Century English oak and mahogany cross banded lowboy
The cross banded double moulded top, above a moulded frieze having three short cross banded drawers, resting on wonderful shaped cabriole legs with applied mouldings terminating in a hoof foot.
The three plank moulded top above a deep moulded frieze, the front housing a drawer with later but appropriate brasswork. Raised on spirally turned legs joined by top moulded rectangular section stretchers, resting on turned feet. Good overall colour and patination.