An outstanding Regency plum pudding mahogany rectangular drop-side table.
The beautifully grained plum pudding top with rosewood crossbanding and beechwood stringing, above two faux drawers on a turned column, and four carved splayed legs on brass castors.
Note: The legs retaining all sixteen well carved circular spandrels.
A rare late 18th – early 19th Century English elm & beech lamp table.
The attractive slight warped circular molded top raised on a baluster turned support,
resting on an out swept umbrella base. Good overall colour & patination.
An early 19th Century English oak side table, in period style.
Having a three plank moulded top above a frieze drawer with circular brass drop handles. Raised on fine baluster turned legs, joined by rectangular section stretchers, on pear shaped feet.
A beautiful late 17th Century English oak side table.
The well patinated triple plank top above a plain frieze drawer with period brass drop handles and suitable later escutcheon, on very attractive turned legs and block feet joined by rectangular section stretchers.
Early 19th Century English Country Regency oak demilune side table.
The beautiful demilune single plank top above a narrow demilune shaped drawer, having the original brass swan neck handles, resting on a long square slight tapered leg. Good overall colour and patination.
The moulded single plank top above a decorative shaped apron, housing a long cockbeaded drawer with the original brass work, resting on rectangular chamfered legs.
Having a hinged triangular leaf above a slight shaped triangular apron. The square tapered leg with the original fruitwood hinge. Good overall colour and patination.
George III oak lowboy. The two plank moulded top above one long and two short drawers, centred by a scroll fretwork apron, raised on rectrangular section tapering legs (later handles).
The well patinated two plank moulded top above three moulded frieze drawers with attractive brasswork, above decorative shaped spandrels, joined to square reeded legs.
The rectangular two plank top having applied mouldings above a long frieze drawer, with brass teardrop handles. Raised on barley twist legs linked by similar foot stretchers
An unusual 18th Century English country oak side table of narrow proportions.
The two plank moulded top above a plain apron housing a single drawer with a decorative pierced brass handle. Resting on long turned tapered legs terminating on a squat pad foot.