George II English Country oak silver table
George II English Country oak silver table.
The cleated top above a shaped apron, resting on cabriole legs with pointed pad feet.
Having good overall colour and patination.
C. 1740
Showing 225–240 of 371 results
George II English Country oak silver table.
The cleated top above a shaped apron, resting on cabriole legs with pointed pad feet.
Having good overall colour and patination.
C. 1740
Stock AA1018
An unusual Geoge III mahogany side table of long proportions.
Having a single plank flame mahogany moulded top, above the plain frieze, containing a single beaded drawer with brass swan neck handle. Resting on square tapered legs.
C. 1780
H. 2′ 5″ – 74 cm
W. 3′ 1″ – 94 cm
D. 1′ 7″ – 49 cm
Stock AA0679
Early 19th Century English Country ash serving table
The well patinated three plank cleated top above a plain skirt having three drawers with turned handles, resting on square block legs.
Good overall faded colour and patination.
C. 1820
H 77cm W 183cm D 77cm
A Unique late 19th Century, French Oak, Art Nouveau, Parquetry Top, Draw Leaf Dining Table
“This table defies simple explanation”
The bold pegged, cleated, solid parquetry top having a large rectangular four seater central section. Unusually, each drawer leaf is of a different size. One being 42cm the other 60cm.
The base, is as unusual as the tops, having a plain central moulded frieze above bold, square, out-swept legs, joined by a ‘Y’ stretcher.
The overall varied depths of colour and patination are due to the unusual geometric feel of this table.
*‘Y’ stretcher is an alternative to the ‘H’ stretcher, enabling chairs to be slid under further, particularly on tables with less overhang, enabling more leg room.
H. 74cm (soon to be 76cm) W. 120cm D. 95cm
Table width with the smaller leaf extended 162.5cm
Table width with the larger leaf extended 180cm
Table width with both leaves extended 222.5cm
1890 – 1910
Stock CPN500
An exceptional early 19th Century English country oak gate leg dining table of large proportions.
The well patinated six plank drop side top above a decorative shaped skirt (note: shaped for leg room) resting on four long cabriole legs having scratch carved knees flanked by the original scrolls and terminating in a talon claw on ball foot.
1800 – 1830 SOLD $3,400
H: 2’ 5” – 74 cm W: 6’ 2” – 188 cm D: 3’ 12” – 120 cm
19th Century English elm child’s Captain’s chair.
H. 53 W. 44 D. 35cm
The scroll decorated hood having an x banded arch shaped door, resting on a bold upward ogee shaped mould and a long narrow trunk with a matching arched oak door, above another bold ogee shaped mould to the base, resting on the original ogee shaped bracket feet.
The clock dial recently cleaned and touched up having a painted hunting scene and the 8 day clock also recently serviced and the works taken apart and cleaned.
C. 1810
H: 224 cm W: 53 cm D: 25 cm
The well patinated oval drop-side top, supported by four turned tapered legs, terminating on a pad foot.
Note: When closed perfect use as a hall or sofa table. When sofa table open one drop-side up to make a “D” shaped drinks table. Or fully opened as an attractive oval dining table. Good overall colour and patination.
C. 1760
H: 72 cm W: closed 41 cm, open 142 cm D: 130 cm
A mid 18th Century English oak drop side table of large proportions.
The well patinated oval twin flap top above ogee end friezes, raised on turned tapered legs terminating on pad feet.
Having good overall colour and patination.
Note: photos taken before gluing, cleaning and waxing. Now showing appealing highlights.
C. 1760
H. 2’ 7” – 77 cm
W. 4’ 5” – 133 cm
D. 1’ 9” – 53 cm Fully opened – 118 cm x 144 cm
Stock AA1420
A mid 18th Century English oak drop side table of small proportions.
The oval dropside top above a slight shaped frieze resting on four turned tapered legs terminating on pad feet.
C. 1760
H. 2′ 3″ – 68.5 cm
W. 3′ 1″ – 93 cm
D. 1′ 3″ – 38.5 cm
Stock AA1435
A mid 18th Century English oak dropleaf table.
A confident version of its finer cousins in mahogany. This table with well proportioned cabriole legs was undoubtedly the product of an experienced cabinet-maker who probably also used fine timbers for his upmarket range. The well grained five plank oval dropleaf top above attractive ogee shaped ends, resting on beautifully proportioned cabriole legs a slight noof pad foot.
1730 – 1770
H. 2’2” – 66 cm
D. 2’10” – 87 cm
Width – open: 3’11” – 120 cm
closed: 1’1” – 35 cm
George III Country Oak Tilt Top Wine Table
The unusually thin, circular two-plank top on a narrow turned, tapered support, resting on three downswept cabriole legs.
C. 1800
H. 71cm Dia. 60cm
18th Century English country oak tilt top wine table – AA2125
The well patinated circular tilt top, on a well turned support, resting on three outswept narrow cabriole legs.
Part of a new shipment that arrived this week.
All in need of a good clean and re-waxing.
H.67cm Dia.56.5cm
The circular, well patinated, two-plank top on a refined turned vase shaped support, resting on three beautifully shaped down-swept cabriole legs, terminating in a narrow pad foot.
Notice the 19th Century handmade shaped steel braces securing the unusually thin top and a price tag from 1975 for $485, now valued at $3950 once restored.
Purchased privately today, November 14th 2018.
Still in need of a good clean, wax and to be photograped properly.
H. 68.5cm D. 53cm
Having a single plank circular top, raised on a gun barrel pillar and three hipped down swept legs terminating in pad feet.
Diameter: 50 cm H: 67 cm
The well patinated pie-crust moulded single plank top, above a bird-cage revolving tilt-top base. Resting on a well turned and carved centre support, above beautiful out-swept cabriole legs, having shell-carved knees, terminating on a pointed pad-foot.