The circular top is mounted on a “birdcage” device which allows it to rotate, on a bold baluster turned pillar. This table is 18th Century in form, but the spur on the knees of the legs is a feature more typical of the first half of the 19th Century and suggests a later date.
Reference: ‘English Country Furniture’ by David Knell, Page 248 – Photo Page 341
Late 18th Century English country oak tilt top wine table
The circular three plank top attached to a bold raised block support, joined to a hexagonal vase shaped pedestal, resting on three near flattened bold down swept legs.
Note, the book-matched medullary ray grain to both side top planks. Also the depth of the top has shrunk one inch over the past 250 or so years.
The well patinated four plank circular tilt top retaining the original catch behind, on a well turned support, resting on out-swept cabriole legs, terminating on a pad foot.
George III country oak tilt top tripod table. The circular tilt top on a well bold turned support, resting on outswept cabriole legs, terminating on pad feet, with later 3/4” raised pads.
A rare late 18th – early 19th Century English elm & beech lamp table.
The attractive slight warped circular molded top raised on a baluster turned support,
resting on an out swept umbrella base. Good overall colour & patination.
A late 17th Century & later English oyster veneered walnut, laburnum & ash occasional table.
The octagonal oyster veneered walnut and laburnum top with shaped satinwood stringing and cross banding with a plain thumb mould,
raised on an associated spiral turned figured ash shaft and tripartite downswept legs emanating from a faceted collar and terminating in pad feet.
A rare late 19th Century Chippendale revival mahogany wine table of small proportions.
Having a well patinated oval pie crust top, on a tapered reeded stem, above acanthus leaf carved bulb resting on three outswept carved cabriole legs terminating in ball and claw feet.
18th Century English oak “fruitwood” wine table of large proportions. The well “patinated” three plank circular top on a bold turned vase shaped pedestal, resting on three down swept fruitwood legs, terminating in pad feet.
An 18th Century English Country oak tilt top wine table
The three plank well patinated circular top tilting on a square block of solid figured elm, supported on a well turned column, resting on attractive outswept cabriole legs. Having wonderful overall colour and patination.
A 19th Century English fruitwood and deal occasional table, the well patenated fixed circular top above a bold turned support resting on three down swept (umbrella base) legs, good overall colour and patination.