Mid 18th Century English Red Walnut ‘Jersey’ Mule Chest. Having a two plank knuckle hinged top opening to a panelled storage area and a candle box with the original lock. The base having two shaped moulded fielded panels, above a long moulded drawer, also with the original brasswork and lock, resting on shaped bracket feet.
C. 1750
H: 2’ 8” – 81 cm W: 3’ 1/2” – 92.5 cm D: 1’ 8” – 51 cm
Early 18th Century English walnut mule chest. The hinged moulded top having matched quarter panelled veneers, surrounded by herringbone inlay and deep cross banding. Opening to reveal a large storage area and a removable shelf. The cross banded front having more of a burr in the grain, above a long single drawer with brass swan neck handles.
Note: The drawer having applied paper linings dating back to the Edwardian period. The sides are in figured walnut with matching cross banding and herringbone seeming to have the original bold brass handles and resting on shaped bracket feet.
A George III oak and mahogany cross banded mule chest.
The hinged moulded top opening to reveal a large storage area with the original interior candle box, above a shaped top rail and three generous well shaped fielded panels having faded mahogany cross banding with two matched drawers below and original brass work, panelled sides, resting on an ogee shaped bracket feet.
The hinged rectangular three plank moulded top above a triple panelled front with beautifully gauge carved rails, on extended stile supports, having the initials
With triple lid within channel moulded rail, the triple panelled front with strapwork carved top rail and two interlaced flower head carved panels centred buy a guilloche arch filled panel and stylised geometric motifs, on extended stile supports.
The moulded twin plank top above a well carved floral leaf triple panelled front, within a groove moulded frame having attractive cherry style scratch carving within, raised on extended stile supports.
A decorative Mid 19th Century French walnut & fruitwood desk/centre table
The well faded two plank cleated top, above an all around shaped frieze, the front having two long drawers, retaining the original shaped brass handles,
Resting on long slight shaped cabriole legs.
Good overall faded colour, still in need of re-sealing and re-waxing.
The cross-banded and tumbridge-wear inlaid full front, opening to reveal a pigeon hole shelved interior and a hinged writing surface to house inks and writing paraphernalia above four long graduated cross banded drawers having shaped bone escutcheons and later brass but appropiate brass work. Note: The top drawer is a faux drawer due to the interior storage. Having large reeded lopers to each side. Resting on shaped bracket feet. Good overall colou and patination.
An unusual and exceptional 18th Century French Oak bookcase of narrow proportions. The moulded cornice above two long glass panelled doors, having the original imperfect glass, housed inside deep moulds. Above decorative moulded fixed panels opening to reveal the shelved interior, resting on a raised short block foot.
Fantastic overall patina.
Still requiring reglueing, cleaning and waxing. Will be outstanding!
C1780. (Normandy)
Note the dimensions of this bookcase, and not being cut down is a rare find!
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Stock AA0898
George III Oak Writing Bureau.
The hinged two plank fall front having an attractive slope, opening to reveal pigeon holes, three drawers and a large hinged ink well; above four long graduated cock beaded drawers.
Note: The top being a faux drawer, flanked by the support lopers, resting on short shaped bracket feet. Good faded colour.
An exceptional George III figured mahogany secretaire chest.
The flame moulded top above a double faux fall front. Enclosing satin wood string inlaid drawers and rectangular storage pigeon holes and shaped brass drop handles. The fall interior with blind tooled leather above and long graduated drawers. All with the original brass swan neck handles, resting on shaped bracket feet.
Note: The beautifully faded reverse book matched veneers to the drawer fronts. This chest is a truly fine example and would make a great addition to any collection.
A George II oak writing bureau of small proportions
The fall front opening to reveal drawers, pigeon holes and an ink slide, also having secret interior drawers. The lopers having attractive brass handles above two short and two long graduated drawers. Resting on the original high bracket feet. (Later, but appropriate brass handles.)