Showing 33–48 of 371 results

An 18th Century George III Mahogany Chest of Drawers

I’m sure many won’t believe this story.

30 years ago I purchased this attractive 18th century, George III figured
mahogany chest of drawers, from fellow dealer Guy Page.
I remember the deal! Crazy thing is, I have dealt in country oak from nearly day one in 1990,
so I placed the chest aside.
About 25 or so years ago, we did a few repairs, drawer runners etc… On a trip to UK,
I purchased the Georgian style brass swan-neck handles
and had a Georgian wire-bow key made for the lock.
I recently bought to my workshop from storage and a customer liked, so we finally spent a couple of days finishing the restoration.
How’s that! 30 years!!!
Anyway, the chest is on hold until she returns in a week or so.

18th century English faded figured mahogany chest of drawers, of small proportions.
The three plank moulded top, above two short, then three long figured mahogany book-matched, cock-beaded graduated,
oak lined drawers, having later, appropriate brass swan-neck handles.
Resting on shaped bracket feet.

Good overall colour and patination.



Perfect for nearly any part of your home.
Living room, bedroom, hallway, guest room, entrance, landing.
Classic lines never fail.

An outstanding 18th Century English oak dresser base of unusually long proportions


Just out of storage, waxed and back into showroom.

The three plank moulded top above three drawers with brass swan-neck handles and a slight shaped apron, resting on a long cabriole leg, terminating on a round pad-foot.
Great overall colour and patination.

H.81cm W. 212cm D.53cm

Just under 7′ Unusually long to not have a centre leg support.

Above, Three early 17th century Basileus Besler First editions 1613
Hand coloured copper engravings. 409 years old!

Prints by Basil Besler from Hortus Eystettensis.
Engravings with expert hand colouring.
With typical text showing through and minor spots.
Exceptional condition.
Cartophyllus syluestris
Melilotus Germanica
Bistorta Maior
Frame 88cm x 170cm

To the left, A stunning second half 18th Century English Country walnut and oak chest on chest.
The double moulded cornice above two short then three long book-matched, feather banded, graduated drawers.
The base with three long graduated drawers.
All with later yet appropiate brass-work.
Resting on shaped bracket feet.
Good overall colour and patination.

H. 170cm W. 108cm D.55cm

To the right, An 18th century French oak, country chippendale style armchair.

A rare mid 18th Century English oak dresser base, Midlands – UK1879


Three plank moulded top, above three frieze drawers having decorative brass central handles, raised on silhouette-baluster profile legs to front and sides.

H:73 cm
W:179 cm
D:48.5 cm

I purchased this dresser some time ago, and only just spent the time removing the later dark polish,
probably added in the Victorian period.
Many hours slowly removing the polish, revealing the beautiful lighter wax finish. Well worth every minute!

Over thirty years of trading and forty years in the antiques trade,I have never stocked a dresser with silhouette legs.
Even more unusual is that I now own two! Both from the same retiring English dealer that I purchased one dozen from.
Actually, my largest single purchase in my thirty years of business.
Notice the outstanding five framed Redouté citrus fruits, hand-coloured copper engravings.
Pierre-Joseph Redouté 1759 – 1840 above, 19th century English pewter charger displaying Buddha’s Hands, pewter mugs,
decorative Italian Murano vase and 19th century English green glass dump,
rare first quarter 20th century Art Nouveau globe (featuring Central Australia) and the mid-century vintage
Italian Murano glass sculptured shaped bowl.
Resting below is a 17th century Bronze cauldron.

The framed Redouté’s hung in my home for the past 20 years.
Now selling.

A striking 18th century French oak, country chippendale style armchair

This chair could well be English, made by a French cabinet maker, was purchased in UK many years ago, as English.
To me, there’s too many French characteristics.
The beautifully shaped top rail, with a raised central mould, terminating in out-swept ears. The vase shaped central splat, flanked by tapered uprights.
Having shaped scrolled arms, on shaped turned supports, joined to a two plank seat.
The base on turned, blocked legs, with a well turned central stretcher, having double rectangular side stretchers.
Well patinated wax finish.
The down filled fitted tapestry cushion. This upholstery was heavily used during the 1990s and still fashionable today.
Gary Kay, Antique Decor used this frequently.
RIP my old friend.
Loved Gary, he was an icon of the antique trade.
When he liked you, he would say,
“Hi Best Friend”
Mali Moir ‘Chandelier’
Watercolour on paper 2019
Late Georgian, 19th century English country oak tiltable, rotating birdcage top wine table.
The circular two plank top above a bird-cage rotator, on a well turned support, resting on dramatically out-swept gothic influenced legs.
Also having fantastic patination.
W.50cm (base)
19th century English pewter waisted mug.

An Exceptional 18th Century English Oak Dresser Base


An exceptional 18th Century English Oak dresser base.

Having a boarded crossbanded top above a shallow central drawer above two short drawers, flanked by two deep drawers, all crossbanded.
With a shaped apron, raised on five attractive cabriole legs with applied side panels.

Note: Good overall faded colour


H: 80 cm

W: 189 cm

D: 48 cm

Untitled Art by Bill Henson

A George III English oak dresser base – UK1796


Having a central moulded drawer above an arched fielded cupboard door embraced

either side by a bank of three drawers and slender cut corner pilasters on nice bracket feet.

Note: This dresser is still in need of a good clean and wax.

H: 75.5 cm

W: 202 cm

D: 54 cm

Last quarter 18th century English country Chippendale Oak & Elm side chair

The shaped top rail having Chippendale style ears, above a wide plain vase shaped upright centre splat, flanked by two tapered side supports.
The attractive plain moulded figured Elm seat, resting on inner-chamfered square legs, joined by an ‘H’ and rear stretcher.
Fantastic overall colour and deep patination.


18th Century English Oak Coffer

The two plank moulded iron hinged top, above a celtic circle floral carved top rail. Having three arched panels, flanked by four upright carved tulips. Resting on plain rectangular feet.
Good overall colour and patination.


Martin Tighe – Conference – acrylic on board.

Mali Moir – Epaulette Shark – life size water colour.

Jeff Martin – 23 Times – oil on board

Three framed ‘Wolters Pears’ published 1880.

Rare 19th Century English Masons ironstone octagonal bowl.

19th century English stone wear acanthus leaf shaped jug.

Krosno coloured glass bowl

19th century European Majolica,
Jardinière-Vase (Italian)

18th century English pewter charger
and three pomegranates

Rare early 17th century English oak boarded chest.

This item has SOLD

Completely original.



All carvings and patination original. Many coffers were carved into, especially during the 19th century.

I placed many items above this coffer to show how something around 150 years before Cook landed in our country, can blend so well in any space.

Simply beautiful!

Hanging above, three framed Elizabeth Blackwell, The Curious Herbal 1730.
With 18th-19th century English pewter
with C19th English green majolica and C20th French green majolica.

A large 19th century Japanese Imari floor vase and a selection of Imari chargers.

Jeff Martin – 23 Times – 2006
Oil on board 112 x 98cm

Contemporary brass domed, cluster of glass balls table lamp.

A rare first half 18th century English oak clothes press.

The classic lined cavetto shaped frieze above an unusual groove moulded central support, flanked by matching double fielded panelled doors. The base having three fixed rectangular fielded panels, above two panelled drawers, retaining the original brass drop handles. This early example resting on stump-feet.
(Soon after becoming bracket-feet)

Note: the interior floor lifting to reveal a hidden storage space.
(In the 18th century, secret drawers and compartments within bookcases, bureaus and chests of drawers was more common than not)

Exceptional colour and patination.



18th Century English Country Oak Wine Table of Larger Proportions

18th Century English Country Oak Wine Table of Larger Proportions

The well patinated, circular tilt top, on a tapered, turned central column

Resting on three out-swept cabriole legs

This table has never been restored, I will not restore this table until sold, and will only be waxed.


H 73cm
Dia 79cm