Serpentine shaped moulded marble top, above a matching shaped carved and moulded front skirt, opening to reveal an unexpected narrow drawer.
The stylish lines flowing into acanthus leaf carved knees and over expressed cabriole legs, terminating on a scrolled foot.
The beautifully veneered rear plain rectangular legs, on well shaped moulded feet.
The unusual narrow dimensions are perfect as a narrow hallway or entrance piece.
Linen fold panels with fruits (pineapples and pomegranates) happy to be corrected..
above, the three large panels with grapes and vines, the central with bold flowers and leaves.
Scrolled hand rests to the ends, disguising the end joints.
Usually long 3.2m early 19th century French oak refectory/farmhouse table. Having a 6cm thick two plank moulded top.
Above a plain skirt, resting on square chamfered legs, joined by an ‘H’ stretcher.
H.78cm W.320cm D.71cm
19th century English oak coffer/blanket box.
H.65cm W.138cm D.59cm