Each with pierced vase shaped and serpentine shaped top rail, the drop-in seat above deep flattened arch shaped seat rails, raised on front cabriole legs terminating in pad feet, rear turn stretcher and a rare out-swept legs beautifully chamfered.
The curved top rail having a carved scroll, enclosing well detailed Acanthus leaf carving flowing into the shaped uprights. The scroll shaped centre splat having beautifully matched carved detail. Having a generous drop-in upholstered seat above well moulded rails, resting on exceptional turned front legs. The chairs have a good overall faded colour finish.
First half 19th Century English ash and fruitwood Windsor armchair. The bowed ash back, joined to a bowed arm rail, having a fret carved centre splat, flanked by three fruitwood spindles, continued in groups of three below, with turned angled arm supports, joined to the fruitwood slight saddle seat, resting on turned out-swept legs, joined by an ‘H’ stretcher.
Note: The legs each have the three ringed turn, matching the above detail.
Good overall colour and patination.
NB. Will update photo when chair has been cleaned, highlighted and waxed.
18th Century English country Hepplewhite fruitwood and ash armchair.
The bowed tip rail above a shaped fret carved center splat, with broad shaped arms and supports, on square internal chamfered legs joined by strechers (restorations).
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An exceptional set of first half 19th Century English ash and fruitwood wavy-line ladder back dining chairs.
Mid West region.
Round turned front legs terminating in pad feet, joined by conventional turned stretcher. Square and lower chamfered back legs, legs connected by box-form stretchers, one stretcher connecting rear legs. Rush seat with some protective strips missing. Straight round back uprights, terminating in domed and nipple top finials, connected with six graduated wavy-line ladders. Curved shaped arms which mortice into back uprights and turned tenons. Turned underarm supports of conventional style, which is half the turning motif of the front cross-stretcher.
Two carvers and eight chairs.
Attributed to Lancashire 1790-1840.
Reference, The English Regional chair by Bernard D. Cotton – Page 415 – Fig. NW354
Late 18th Century country English Chippendale ash chair
Having a shaped top rail with scrolls to the ears. A wide pierced centre splat, with slip in upholstered seat. The seat rails have unusually moulded bottom edges on square front legs with bead moulding on their outer edges.
A decorative 18th Century English country Hepplewhite fruitwood occasional chair with well carved splat
The flat corner moulded top and side supports creating a rectangular frame for the very well fret carved centre splat. Having a modern upholstered drop in seat, resting on matched corner moulded legs, joined by scratch moulded stretchers.
The slight shaped top rail having attractive scrolls to the rear of the ears, the waisted side support rails framing a shaped fret craved centre splat, having a drop in upholstered seat, sitting inside a quarter mould above the plain support rails, resting on square block form legs joined by stretchers.
An unusual 19th Century English ash and elm ladder back armchair.
The bold turned nipple tipped supports housing five shaped horizontal spilts and two well shaped arms. The rush seat on turned shaped legs and a bold turned front stretcher. Good overall colour and patination.
An unusual harlequin set of six late 18th Century English Country Hepplewhite fruitwood & oak dining chairs.
The horizontal top rail above a pierced vase splat, having a drop-in seat, raised on rectangular section legs, joined by rectangular section stretchers.