Showing 737–752 of 854 results

Barrelier (unframed collection) – 1714 – CGW381542

Hand coloured botanical engravings by Jacques Barrelier. A French botanist, Barrelier was born in Paris 1606 and died 17th September 1673. He renounced the medical profession to enter the Dominican order. In 1646 he was selected as assistant of the general of the order on one of his tours of inspection, travelled through France, Spain and Italy, collected numerous specimens of plants and also founded and superintended a splendid garden in a convent of his order at Rome, where he remained for many years. He afterward returned to Paris and entered the convent in the rue St Honore. He left unfinished a general history of plants, to be entitled Hortus Mundi. The copperplates of his intended work and such of his papers as could be found, were collected and made the basis of a book by Antonine de Jus-sieu, Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Itali-iam obwervatae, etc. (folio, Paris, 1714).

33 cm x 21 cm (unframed)

Munting Collection (unframed) – 1696

Abraham Munting, Naauwkeurige Beschryving Der Aardewassen

Fine copper engravings with later hand colouring. Florilegiums (Botanical works) of this period were produced in the main for scientific studies and research and usually illustrated just the plant itself. What makes Muntings work stand apart is the fashion in which he displayed his speciments (usually) floating above a landscape or village scene. Not satisfied with that, he had the name of the plant within a floating banner.

C. 1696

39 cm x 26 cm (unframed)

Munting Selection (unframed) – 1696

Abraham Munting, Naauwkeurige Beschryving Der Aardewassen. Fine copper engravings with later hand colouring. Florilegiums (Botanical works) of this period were produced in the main for scientific studies and research and usually illustrated just the plant itself. What makes Muntings work stand apart is the fashion in which he displayed his speciments (usually) floating above a landscape or village scene. Not satisfied with that, he had the name of the plant within a floating banner.


Champion Animals – Mali Moir 2014

‘New Works in Smokey Charcoal’

The A1 size unframed drawings are $3,300

The A2 size unframed drawings are $2,200

105.5 cm x 92 cm (A1 framed of Dash)

I have recently developed a strong interest in creating portraits of horses and hounds in a sophisticated and contemporary art style, exploring dynamic compositions and using the impressive qualities of charcoal. I am engaging in a technicque called ‘sfumato’ where the subjects edges are softly blended imparting an intriguing smoky effect.

I have included examples of my new charcoal artwork collaboration with Allpress Antiques in Melbourne, creating charcoal art inspired by ‘Objects of Virtue’.

This first example of my work is of the much loved whippet ‘Dash’.

Mali Moir
Botanical, Scientific and Natural History Artist.

An unusual late 19th Century Northern European elm well shaped armchair – CGS909

Stock CGS909

An unusual late 19th Century Northern European elm well shaped armchair

This is the first of this style I have seen in 33 years, there’s a definite Arts & Crafts feel with a Chippendale style rear splat, quite an unusual mix.

The long single plank bentwood arms flowing through to become legs with matching shaped stretchers all flow very well, then there’s that English influenced Splat flanked by two reeded uprights.

The thick single plank slight saddle seat seems to be holding all these unusual shapes together.

Anyway an interesting chair and quite a talking point this will be.

Good overall colour and patination.

19th Century French oak desk of small proportions – AA1255

Stock AA1255

19th Century French oak desk of small proportions

The tick two plank top having several knots and a matched sap wood join between planks above a plain fieze with a single moulded drawer to the front retaining the original lock and escutcheon.  Resting on square tapered legs.

1870 – 1900

H:  2′ 5″ –

W:  3′ 3″ – 100 cm

D:  2′ 3″ – 66 cm

The base needs a light metho clean to slightly lighten, the faded top will get a light stain to warm, light polish overall then a cut back and soft wax finish.

Unusual late 18th Century English country Chippendale ash, elm and oak occasional chair – CBE-S89

Stock CBE-S89

Unusual late 18th Century English country Chippendale ash, elm and oak occasional chair.

The shaped top rail having a shell carved central motive above a well shaped fret carved center splat, resting on a deep shoe brace support on a well grained two plank seat.  Having the original oak applied cushion holders on square section legs jointed by rectangular stretchers.

C. 1780

H:  96 cm

W:  52.5 cm

D:  45 cm