Showing 1–16 of 1074 results

Pair of European vintage black birds SOLD.

And then there was one✨
The off white interloper remains.
Will be on display in my showroom tomorrow. Open until 4:00pm
Come see these stylish glass retro birds on my showroom soon.
Everything 50% off until I close end of April, or beforehand if everything sold.

Elegant trio of vintage retro black glass birds.

And then there were three✨

Elegant trio of vintage retro black glass birds. The black pair now joined by an off white interloper.

An interesting word to name the welcomed new addition, quite the opposite to be honest. But was just thinking of the Labor PM and Greens leader and for some reason “Interlopers” came into my mind!

However, not wanting to be political on my business page, I shall stop!


Maria Theresa Chandelier hanging in customers home

Visited a new favourite customer’s home last night to see the renovation progress.
Looking fantastic for sure!

Thought I’d take a few photos of the Maria Theresa chandelier to show you.

The chandelier hanging through the centre of the shaped wrought iron staircase, resting along side the decorative balustrade.
Awaiting a contemporary sculpture to arrive.
Can’t wait to see.


Some of the many wonderful unique decorative pieces I’ve sold

Showing some of the many wonderful unique decorative pieces I’ve sold before year end and over the past two weeks of re opening, mainly due to my 50% off closing sale.

Several hundred pieces of furniture, art, lighting, ceramics and decorative items still in my showroom and storage. Best to look at my website to see more,


19th century English country oak joint stool in 17th/18th century style.



From usage over the past 150 years the finish has naturally worn off, leaving a beautifully faded raw patina.

The rectangular single plank moulded seat having attractive figured oak grain.
Above deep upright gouge carved skirts, with a pretty fine scratch-carved flower over all.

Raised on beautifully carved fine lined Jacobean style barley-twist legs.
Joined by the two remaining long stretchers.

H.50cm W.45cm D.29cm

Copy of a mid 19th century English comb-back ash and elm Windsor armchair.



A customer brought in this exceptional copy of a mid 19th century English comb-back ash and elm Windsor armchair yesterday, such a good late 20th century copy, in every way.

I don’t sell copies, but remembered another customer was wanting an original, I called and showed her this one. SOLD!
Certainly priced accordingly, but two very happy customers.

A rare George III English oak dish-top lamp table.

H.69cm Dia.41.5cm

Hanging above, “Caunga”
Hand painted copper engraving,
by Hendrik Draakestein.

The first complete flora from the East Indies.
Amsterdam 1686

An unusually narrow late 18th century English pine low dresser.



The well patinated two plank moulded top, above a small central cock-beaded drawer, flanked by two longer drawers, having later but appropriate 19th century solid backplate brass handles,
above an attractive shaped lower mould, resting on turned column front legs and plain rectangular rear legs.
1780 – 1820

I sold this low dresser over 30 years ago, via interior designer Barb Brownlow and re purchased from same customers.

Rarely does pine resemble oak so well.
Centuries of waxes and different polishes creates this patina.