First half 19th Century English country oak dresser base
The two plank top above a ‘T’ shaped bank of drawers with brass knob handles, flanked by two very well fielded panelled doors both enclosing a centre shelf.
Resting on shaped front bracket feet having double panelled sides.
Having a boarded top above three double framed mitre moulded frieze drawers, a bold shaped applied moulding, raised on three baluster turned front legs, joined by plain rectangular section stretchers. Good overall colour and patination
A decorative mid 18th Century English oak low dresser of good proportions.
The two plank moulded top above three moulded edge frieze drawers, retaining the original brasswork, with matching applied panels to each side. Having an attractive ogee cut frieze raised on well shaped cabriole front legs terminating in pad feet. Good overall colour and patination.
A fantastic 18th Century English oak dresser of narrow proportions.
The well patinated moulded top over three drawers, each within a fine faded mahogany banded and cock beaded surround, above a waist moulding and a pair of fielded panelled cupboard doors, centred by a conforming panel, having two fielded panels to the sides on bracket feet. Exceptional overall colour and patination.
18th Century English oak dresser base,The plain single plank top above three drawers having the original brass swan-neck handles and later but suitable escutcheons. The base having a central fixed rectangular fielded panel, flanked by two matching double paneled doors, resting on rectangular block legs.
An exceptional early 19th Century well patinated deal dresser.
The slot in rack having three shelves with original iron hooks, above six dummy spice drawers. The base with six drawers above the attractive fret carved apron. On chamfered supports, united by a pot board, resting on bracket feet.
An impressive 19th Century English oak dresser base. The very well patinated two plank moulded top above three mahogany cross-banded drawers, having later turned brass handles and two with locks, above a thick shaped decorative skirt with panels to the sides. Resting on square tapered legs and having exceptional overall varied colour and patination.
An unusual pair of first quarter 20th Century French Art Nouveau nickel plated brass and etched glass chandeliers. Having the original cherry and leaf etched glass panels to both hexagonals. The original matching etched light shades to one and later to the other.
Recently arrived from France, cleaned and rewired to Australian standards.
A Decorative and unusual Art Nouveau Table Lamp. Having an intricately made shade, supported by a wonderful cast bronze tapered tree trunk, with swirling roots.