The cleated three plank sliding top, above a canted bin, the front panel having a central sun carving, flanked by matching reversed shaped fielded panels.
The base with sunflower carved panel, flanked by rectangular fielded paneled doors.
Resting on short square tapered legs.
Good overall well faded colour.
The well patinated moulded top, above four graduated x-banded drawers, retaining the original Hepplewhite style oval brass plate handles.
Flanked by two panelled doors, resting on slight shaped bracket feet.
The eight panelled figured walnut, cross-banded covello moulded top, above two short over three long graduated drawers having feather banded inlays within cushion-moulded rails, resting on bun feet. Having good overall well faded patination. With stylish brass drop-handles and escutcheons.
Great overall colour and patination.
H: 93cm W: 95cm D: 52cm
This chest can ba placed into any room in your home or apartment. Stunning entrance/hall chest. Perfect for a decorative, functional piece in your bedroom or place into your formal living room or family room to ad some classic lined style…
The well patinated marquetry inlaid top from walnut, figured walnut and fruitwoods, having a central star design. Above three graduated drawers with matching inlay veneers retaining the original oval brass handles, escutcheons and locks. Flanked by quarter moulded corners, with fielded panelled sides. Resting on the original squat bun feet.
An exquisite 19th Century in 18th Century style English figured walnut chest on stand.
The chest with a deep cavetto cornice above two short over four long graduated well figured walnut and double featherbanded drawers. The base with a matching long drawer above a double arched ogee cut apron, raised on spiral turned legs, joined by wavy shaped platform stretchers, on bun feet.
18th Century English oak chest on chest of small proportions.
The cavetto shaped cornice above two short and three long graduated drawers. The lower section with two long – deep drawers all having attractive brass fret patterned handles and escutcheons, resting on decorative unusually high shaped bracket feet.